The reason we make petition to God is to put our desires in the domain of God, and request Him to do for us what only He can do as God. This then means that God may not do for us, what we are capable of doing for ourselves. But generally, God has the power to do all things, or to make our desires come to life at any time and in whatsoever manner He chooses. This is because He is God, NOT a man like us. When God intervenes in our special situation, something happens which go beyond the understanding of an average mind – our negative situation is immediately or gradually transformed to a positive dimension.
When God begins to speak to our life, He empowers us with His grace. In almost all the cases in which petitions are brought before God, He may not do exactly as we had requested of Him, but He would give to us what is sufficiently abundant for us, and which is perfect for our very state in life. He is able to do this perfectly because He is God.
The power of God to manifest things lies in His WORD – His creative power. The bible says nothing was created without the word (John 1:1-3). The Word is at the root of every creation and manifestation on earth, in heavens and beneath the earth. Therefore, the Word has no limitations as to dimension in terms of power and authority. It is this same Word that took flesh in Jesus Christ. God says, let there be light, and there was light! The word does not fail to create manifestation.
How do we employ the use of the WORD to create manifestations for us?
Life is a principle. By this, I mean you have to live a successful life based on principles – You have to work out something to achieve a thing. The scriptures provide very many of these spiritual principles which we can use to better our lives. For instance, the main principle of creating manifestations in the bible is the principle of the word becoming flesh and dwelling among us as Jesus Christ (John 1:14). In the same vein, you can make your decrees and declarations become flesh. This means that as you profess or confess the word of God upon your situation, your desires or dreams begin to take flesh; they gradually become manifest and are brought permanently under your possession to dwell with you, or for you to experience same.
You have to learn how to make your decrees and declarations through professing or confessing the written word of God. Decrees and declarations must take the form of POSSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS OF FAITH, PROCEEDING FROM YOUR HEART AND SPOKEN OUT BY THE MOUTH. If you are conversant with our HOPE OF GLORY – Daily Devotional, you will understand the pattern your prayers must take. PRAYERS MUST BE EXPRESSED IN THE NOW, IN ORDER TO BE EFFECTIVE. The principle of affirmative prayers is based on the fact that you are a child of God, and all that your father in heaven has created is your inheritance. They are meant for you to possess for as long as you live. Therefore, you must step into your father’s domain – IN SPIRIT, and claim what is due to you at that point in time. You are not begin, BUT DEMANDING FOR YOUR ENTILEMENT AS A CHILD OF GOD.
Other Principles to fastrack responses to prayers include the following:
If you’re not sure whether or not it’s God’s will to have certain benefits, pray to Him to reveal His will – not your own will – to be done. (1 John 5:14)
Doubts will definitely hinder your declarations. Therefore, you must first believe in your heart, the scripture or written word of God, then secondly, proceed to confess same to yourself. Accept this word as authority over your life.
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
God can answer with a yes, a no, or not now. But generally, when you fulfill the principles of prayers, God will definitely speak into your life. You will derive a content spirit as well as peace of the mind. God would place you where His sufficiency would locate you in a special way. This is the miracle that you need which will come at God’s appointed time.