The scriptures in Hebrews 11:1 says that "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence [or conviction] of things not seen". This means that Faith is critical to living a fulfilled life, not just as a Christian, but generally as a human being created by God. Without faith, the life of a Christian will be empty, fallow and unfulfilled. In any case, it is difficult to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). However, it is quite interesting to note that God already created each of us with a measure of faith. This stems from the fact that God already created us in his likeness and image. What this means is that we have imbued in us all the divinity of God which is made up of His spiritual principles and essences. Man is therefore a god on earth having powers to create all his earthly desires in accordance with the will and plan of God. What is then required on our part is to first, activate the faith we already have since creation, and thereafter, expand or increase the faith to the level of a mustard seed.
That was the answer Jesus gave to his disciples when they sought his views on how to work miracles by faith. So many messages have been written and delivered on the various steps to follow to enable us increase our faith. All these messages are far from being correct. This is because there are certain basics to be fulfilled by an individual in order to have an increased or activated faith. These basics are just four and they are as follows:
All human beings have a measure of faith given by God at the point of creation as an image and likeness of God. This is God’s gift to you at the time of creation. It is your divine inheritance which cannot be taken away from you. God himself would not take that away from you, having created you already in his image and likeness. To activate this faith, what is simply required is a conscious realization by you that “you are an image of God partaking in his divinity in terms of spiritual essences and principles”. This means that you must reclaim by WILL your spiritual heritage and power by knowing, coming to a realization or believing in this fact. This is very simple! Then move on to the next stage of increasing your faith through the GRACE of God.
The gift of an expanded or increased faith is strictly a gift received through an act of God’s grace, received through a humble service to God (James 4:6). This entails being a humble servant to God. In some situations, however, our faith is also increased or expanded unknowingly to us when we successfully weather the storms and trials of life; but that still depends largely on the GRACE of God which gives us light to go through the darkness of life. The critical point to note here is that through a high degree of humility, we attract the grace of God into our lives which in turn increases our faith without us knowing it. The bible tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9 that, “for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast”. This is a further confirmation that God can make us realise our gift of faith based on our humility. It is only at this point of humility that we are attuned with the grace of His Holiness.
The gift of faith must be exercised with boldness. The Holy Spirit allows us to do that. When the apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit, they acted with all boldness and confidence. (Act 3:6). Thereafter, all the disciples performed miracles by faith; without doubts under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
The word of God is in each man. If you read the book of John, especially John 1:1-19, it is very clear that each of us has a spark of the word in us and that the word is GOD. It is therefore correct to say that we all have the soul of God in us. That being the case, it is clear why we say that man is a living soul made in the image and likeness of God. When you are able to ascend to the inner sanctuary and behold God seated on his throne within you, we say you are in tune with the WORD of God within. From that moment, your faith becomes a living faith, which can no longer die or go off and on.
Jesus says in the scriptures, "I tell you, if anyone believes in Me, he will do the [kind of] things that I do; and greater things he will do, because I go to the Father."(John 14:12). This is Jesus talking as the WORD of God among us, calling us to trust in him; if we do, we would not only do great things like him, we shall surpass him. To believe in Jesus in this case means to accept him as our advocate on the thrones of God. When we follow Jesus as our Master, he takes us by the hand through the kingdom of God which lies deep within us into the inner sanctuary where God dwells in us. (Luke 17:21) It is in the inner sanctuary that the true marriage between us and Christ take place. At this point, our faith becomes a living faith through hearing the WORD of God from within. In Romans 10:17, the scriptures say, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." This mean we must listen carefully to hear the WORD of God talk to us from within.