January 13, 2018
January 15, 2018


JANUARY 14th 2018

Today’s Scriptures: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world - 1 John 4:1

“Prophetic Ministration” is one big phrase which is currently leading so many astray from rational thinking and proper scriptural evaluation. Prophets are called by the word of God and to SPEAK THE MIND OF GOD to us. But often, they either misfire or speak from their own spirits. Every true and careful prophet must be able to use God’s word to interpret what he claims he heard from God. False prophesies abound this day, especially in black Africa, where so much emphasis is put on negative occurrences, rather than the positive. While I agree you may need some spiritual assistance to solve certain problems, you have to be very careful about the prophet who ministers to you. Most problems linger due to wrong ministration. Sometime, it is a careless word from the prophet which has made one to act to his detriment. At some other times, it is a deliberate trick on someone’s mind to make him believe a wrong set of facts, which can put ones progress on hold for a long time. Same applies to a Nation; a wrong word from a prophet can shut down the progress of that nation, if majority of the citizens believe in the wrong prophesy and acted on it. How do you know if you are exposed to wrong prophetic ministrations?

1. A positive prophesy usually does not come to pass.
2. So much expense is incurred trying to prevent a negative prophesy coming to pass.
3. Problems are complicated, rather than solved.
4. One becomes frustrated, and frightful as a result of unresolved problems; and for reasons not too clear, other related problems begin to erupt.

The word of God is warning you today to be very careful of so called prophetic ministration. Reject every prophecy that cannot be tested against the word of God. Reconfirm what a prophet tells you, so you do not fall prey to psychological and emotional manipulations. Rather than get exposed to wrong ministration, profess the word of God to yourself. It will take a while to get result, but you will surely overcome. Be responsible, and let grace abound


Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I detach my spirit and body this day from all forms of ministrations and wrong teachings that continues to place me below the standard that you want me to be. Lord I rebuke and silence every power and tricks of the devil upon my spirit and I declare no enchantment or divination is against me. Lord, I tap into apostolic and prophetic veins and declare I am filled with thy fresh anointing. AMEN

Further Reading - Matthew 7:15-20
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi was born in Nigeria to Patrick Abuda Obeakemhe and Juliana Fatimatu Obeakemhe, both from Ogbona Town. With a master’s degree in law, she was called to the bar at the age of twenty-two, and she is currently the principle partner of the law firm Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi & Associates. She is also the founder of two philanthropic organizations: the Living Waters Mission and the Rose Croix Foundation. In addition to law, Lawrence-Dokpesi was drawn to spiritual pursuits at an early age, having begun studying philosophy, theology, chaplaincy, and spirit therapy by the age of eighteen. Inspired by her spiritual calling, she has produced ten intensively researched manuscripts on spiritual matters. Although Understanding the Spiritual was the last to be written, it is the first to be published. Lawrence-Dokpesi is a mother and a wife living in the city of Abuja, Nigeria.

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