Today’s Scriptures: For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ – 1 Corinthians 3:11
As you already know, the foundation of a building is the first part of the building, upon which the entire structure will rest throughout its existence. Therefore, it has to be very strong, enduring and capable of withstanding all forms of whether changes and corrosion. Everything in life starts from a foundation. The world itself rest on the foundation of God’s WORD which He spoke in the beginning. This means the entire fabrics of the world is resting on God’s word. God went further to manifest His WORD in Jesus Christ – God’s word made flesh. He did that in order to build our faith, and to give us victory over the works of the devil, so we can live peacefully on earth. God also gave us His written word in the scriptures, so we can be well informed regarding His plan and purpose for us. Therefore, everything that we do in life is resting on God’s word. Our career, businesses, household etc., are resting on God’s word. The reason Jesus was manifested is to bring the reality of God to us, by first, destroying every works of the devil, including the effects of our sins, which had prevented us from building on God’s firm foundation.
Having done that, it’s finished. In Jesus therefore, we have a new beginning; a new life firmly established in God’s word. The word of God is telling us today to hold firmly to the finished work of Jesus Christ. In Jesus rest our power to be firmly established on a solid foundation. A foundation which is not built on Jesus Christ is weak. Therefore, start today to recreate and reassemble your activities along the path of a solid foundation in Christ Jesus. Let the Master be at the foundation of everything you are doing or about to do. Building on the foundation of Christ starts from being baptized into his mysteries, and believing in him as your Lord and savior. Obey the Masters commands and Confess the word of God on everything you are doing.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, his blood and righteousness, I overcome the misfortune of Hiel the Bethelite in 1 Kings 16:34. Lord, today, I confess your word to Zerubbabel in Zechariah 4:9 upon my life. Therefore, I declare every foundation which my hands have started, my hands shall complete, all to the glory of God. AMEN.