“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”- (Ephesians 2:10)
The reason God created us has continued to generate philosophical and theological debates. That notwithstanding, the scripture says we are God’s workmanship, created to do good works which God had ordained in advance. Therefore, God has a plan and purpose for each of us. But aside from our specific purpose in life, all human beings have a general purpose in life - to know God; go close to God; Glorify God; Fear God; obey His commandments; praise God; worship God and to grow in the fruits of the spirit. However, your specific purpose in life or destiny would become actualized, only by fulfilling the general purpose of God as ordained for every one of us. Your specific mission in life is the reason God created you and called you by your name.
Today, the word of God is telling you to position yourself to discover your destiny and specific purpose for which He ordained and created you. Living your destiny will give you a fuller experience of life; you will become the person God wants you to be – all to the glory of God. To discover your destiny, do the following: ONE, focus on Christ - Remember, Christ in you is the hope of glory. TWO, avoid hatred, Jealousy, envy and bitterness. THREE, do not downplay the value of what you do. Stop comparing yourself to others or give up if someone seems to do a better job than you. Of course there are others who have more talents than you, and you must accept that fact. Everybody cannot do the same work. Remember, everything you do is to the glory of God; remain faithful in serving the purpose of God, and developing your talents and abilities.