2nd MARCH 2023
What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy – Romans 9:14-16
Many philosophies and teachings have been built around God’s concept regarding what He is and what He is not. Take time to study the scriptures to rediscover God today. God is a game-changer! He is always positioned to change our experience, and the pattern of things to prove His majesty as God. But no one can see or read God’s mind to say exactly what God would do next.
Whatever may be your problem today, God is saying to you not to be wary or give up. There is no negative situation God cannot touch, for He is a merciful God! He is the God of Justice and the restorer of life and the giver of all things. In fact, this is one basic reason Jesus came; to open the merciful heart of God for His outpour of grace upon mankind. Therefore, God’s grace is supreme and overrides the imaginations of men.
Remember also that God is a sovereign being. He is not responsible for, or answerable to, anyone. He is totally, absolutely sovereign. Therefore, put your trust in Him, and hold onto Him. He will breach every protocol and principle to do what He considers best in your very situation. Besides, He is full of compassion and mercy.
Just believe, and you will receive much more than we ask for.
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, today, I receive boldness to ascend thy throne of Grace and I declare the blood of Jesus Christ consecrates me. Lord, I lean on your sovereignty and power; therefore, I declare every work of the devil and the effects of sin in my life are destroyed now. AMEN. Father, I open my heart to the influx of the Holy Spirit. I am empowered to receive your divine instruction, which enables me to resolve every dilemma and plague, presently troubling my heart. Today, I declare the works of my hands are sanctified and blessed. Thank you, Father, for I shall no longer be trampled upon or be relegated. AMEN.