16th MARCH 2023
“Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” – Mark 9:31-35
To be successful in life, you must learn to be wise and humble. To be humble is to swallow your ego while being wise is to employ God’s wisdom in every of your undertaking.
Humility is a deliberate decision to lower your status to achieve peace and fulfillment. Jesus demonstrated this principle through his suffering and death. By that, Jesus won the greatest battle of all. He put himself last and became the first. He defeated our greatest enemy – the devil. By that stroke, he destroyed the power of death. He did that to prove to us that in sacrifice, we gain tremendous power, enabling us to solve all problems and get to our desired goal.
Jesus also taught his disciples that anyone who wanted to be the first among them must first become the last and servant of all.
Today, the word of God says you must be meek and humble in the face of adversity. You are called to bend over, not because you are stupid but to avoid distractions on your way to success. Having seen the bigger picture, it becomes imperative to aim for the prize rather than get stuck on the way. Humility then becomes a virtue to enable you to conquer.
Beloved, there is something about being polite and humble regardless of the situation you find yourself in, which makes God look upon you with mercy and ensures that you win in the end.
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, today I receive the strength to overcome stupid and foolish arguments causing me to derail from the path of success. Lord, from this day onwards, I am filled with the spirit of kindness and tolerance, and I am lifted above my human weaknesses. Father, I declare total authority over my affairs today, and I am empowered to teach, not resentful. I now receive the power to exercise restraints in the use of words, and I am now quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Lord, I declare your righteousness and power over my life. Now, I overcome every of my infirmity. Amen
FURTHER READING: 2Timothy 2:23-24