January 16, 2018
January 19, 2018


JANUARY 18th 2018

Today’s Scriptures: For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it? – 1 Corinthians 4:7

The word EGO is mostly used to describe a state of arrogance or pride. It means “self” – an obsession about your self-worth or self-importance and abilities. When Ego becomes inflated or bloated, we become proud. EGO tells lie, it’s maligns and it’s destructive. But you need to overcome EGO in order to move on to the next level. This means, emptying of SELF (flushing out EGO) and filling in GRACE. From that moment, you will begin to see the global picture of the GREATER YOU. Ego blindfolds and pulls you down; hence the bible says that pride goes before a fall. We cannot achieve greatness or retain greatness by trusting in our own power. We have no power order than the power of God in us. God deserves recognition for that. The word of God is telling us today to shift focus away from “self” or “I” and focus on HIM – THE ONE WHO CREATED THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE BY A SNAP OF THE FINGER. Overcoming ego requires us to stop thinking about ourselves alone; overcome selfishness, and overcome our limitations. Overcoming our present limitations requires us to stop being obsessed with our present status; and fix our eyes on God for greater achievements.

When we recognize that our entire life is supported by God's grace, our world begins to find its correct order. To overcome your ego, do the following:
1. Accept that you are not perfect, and that God is willing to deal with you this way. Stop looking down or maligning others. If He who is perfect is willing to accept you as imperfect - you should be willing to accept yourself and others with all imperfections as well.
2. Accept God's grace for your imperfections rather than masking them with pride and ego. Once you acknowledge your sins, it is such a great relief to depend on God's grace for your existence than the impossible demands of ego.
3. Accept God's love. Egotism is looking for love in the wrong way and in the wrong places. God's unconditional love gives us the freedom to love others and ourselves in a way that promotes peace of mind and self-acceptance.


Father in the name of Jesus Christ, today, I submit to your discipline which detaches me from every spirit of pride and egotism. Lord, Just like Moses, I declare your grace fills my emptiness and I am humbled by your great love and power over all things. Father, I declare I no longer exist, but Christ lives in me and I am completely overhauled by the magnificence of thy love and power. AMEN.

Further Reading - Romans 12:3
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi was born in Nigeria to Patrick Abuda Obeakemhe and Juliana Fatimatu Obeakemhe, both from Ogbona Town. With a master’s degree in law, she was called to the bar at the age of twenty-two, and she is currently the principle partner of the law firm Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi & Associates. She is also the founder of two philanthropic organizations: the Living Waters Mission and the Rose Croix Foundation. In addition to law, Lawrence-Dokpesi was drawn to spiritual pursuits at an early age, having begun studying philosophy, theology, chaplaincy, and spirit therapy by the age of eighteen. Inspired by her spiritual calling, she has produced ten intensively researched manuscripts on spiritual matters. Although Understanding the Spiritual was the last to be written, it is the first to be published. Lawrence-Dokpesi is a mother and a wife living in the city of Abuja, Nigeria.

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