30th MAY 2022
“Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation”. – Psalm 24:3-5
The amount of adornment to our numerous cathedrals keeps us gasping for breath each time we come closer to them. So many external and interior decorations have been done on them to beautify the cathedrals. But the Cathedrals will serve the highest purpose if we would harmonize our inner beauty with the beauty of the Cathedrals; Only then can we truly have an exciting worship experience. Therefore, we need to make an enormous sacrifice to sanctify and purify our inner beings as well, so that as we sit in the beautiful Cathedrals, our inner beauty would sync with them for a beautiful worship experience.
Nevertheless, our inner purity ought to take us beyond the roofs of the physical Cathedrals to His presence on the throne of grace and mercy that lies above mortal existence, in the celestial realm.
Today, we are reminded of our obligations to ascend the holy hill, the presence of the Lord, with a purity of heart, and clean hands, with mouths sealed against deceitful utterances; Our focus is to worship in God’s presence on the Holy Mountain, beyond the earthly cathedrals. We must ascend to God’s Holy Mountain to receive Grace, mercy, and help in the hour of our needs and intercede for others.
Beloved in Christ, to come to God’s presence, purify and sanctify thyself. Although we cannot avoid sin altogether, the Holy Spirit is there for us; He will uphold us and guide us into making us a living sacrifice acceptable to the Lord. In Christ, we have the righteousness of God, by His Grace, but we must confess our guilt and plead for forgiveness to enable us to ascend to His Holy Presence. If you strive to be as Holy as our God, you will receive the grace to overcome sin.
Be in His presence daily. In His presence is the anointing that breaks every yoke!
Father, purify and sanctify me continually, that I may enter into your Holy presence and dwell therein with you. May I always receive help in times of my needs in Jesus mighty name.
FURTHER READING: Matthew 21:12; Hebrews 4:1-16