August 22, 2022
August 24, 2022


23rd AUGUST 2022

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love” – 1 John 4:8

Today, I wish to draw attention to what God says about love, and why we must love. For instance, in 1 Peter 4:8 the Bible says, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”. In Ephesians 5:21, the Bible says, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ: In 1 John 4:8, the Bible says, “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. In 1Corinthians, 13:13, the Bible says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.

 We must therefore see the face of God in every human being. In any event, the scripture says we are made in the image and likeness of God. This in essence refers to the spiritual essence of God in us. In order to pass the test of loving God, we have to translate “loving God” to loving our fellow human beings. Three times the Master asked Peter; “Do you love me”? Three times Peter answered, “yes Lord, you know all things, and you know that I love thee”) But Jesus was fast to add; “then feed my sheep” (John 21:16). By that, the Master revealed that only through the act of service to others can we truly demonstrate our love for God.

It would appear therefore, that, on judgment day, our works of service, will be recalled and examined as a basis of gaining eternal life in heaven. The word of God today introduces to love in service to others as a basis of demonstrating our love for God. Therefore, we cannot claim that we love God without loving each other. God is love; therefore, we must also show love to one another.

You will also recall that Jesus had introduced us to the two – in – one commandments of God. Jesus says all the commandments are summarized in these two commandments thus:  Number 1 is that we have to love God with our soul and entire being. Number 2 is that we have to love our neighbour as ourselves. To love God with our soul and everything is to be ready to make sacrifice – up to the point of death on behalf of others, all for the sake of God.

To love your neighbors as yourself does not mean that you have to first love yourself, before you think of loving another. But that verse simply teaches that, you must first, put yourself in the condition of others, and then decide whether what you are doing to them is good enough for you, if you were to be in their situation. In other words, put yourself in the shoes of others, and do for them that which you would desire for yourself in the same circumstance. The eternal life we seek in heaven as Christians will elude us if we are unable to obey these two – in – one commandment of God (Matthew 25:35-40). This is because admission into heaven will be conducted on the basis of how much love you gave to others! (Matthew 25:35-40). Also on earth, you reap the quantity of love you extend to others! As you sow, so you reap!


Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank you for your word, for I am strengthened by it. Father, today I receive the strength to overcome every weakness that would not enable me to express love and affection to others. AMEN.

FURTHER READING: Matthew 25:35-40

Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi was born in Nigeria to Patrick Abuda Obeakemhe and Juliana Fatimatu Obeakemhe, both from Ogbona Town. With a master’s degree in law, she was called to the bar at the age of twenty-two, and she is currently the principle partner of the law firm Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi & Associates. She is also the founder of two philanthropic organizations: the Living Waters Mission and the Rose Croix Foundation. In addition to law, Lawrence-Dokpesi was drawn to spiritual pursuits at an early age, having begun studying philosophy, theology, chaplaincy, and spirit therapy by the age of eighteen. Inspired by her spiritual calling, she has produced ten intensively researched manuscripts on spiritual matters. Although Understanding the Spiritual was the last to be written, it is the first to be published. Lawrence-Dokpesi is a mother and a wife living in the city of Abuja, Nigeria.

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