28th FEBRUARY 2022
“…Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Carefully consider what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible on your part, live at peace with everyone. Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.” … – Romans 12:18
The importance of peace in the world and among men cannot be overemphasized. Peace is one of the attributes of God which clearly defines His holiness. Without peace, no man can see God! (Hebrews 12:14) It does not matter the level of your perceived anointing or the fruits of the spirit you may demonstrate.
Without peace, the world cannot continue to move around! No wonder how the sun, the earth, and all other planets can maintain orderliness without the planets jamming against one another to cause chaos. Some say that is the way God wants it; that is very true, the same way He wants us to be orderly and to be peaceful among ourselves.
The direct opposite of peace is war. Peace is an expensive venture and has to be done with great sacrifice. God knew it all, for the scripture says God made peace with man at the expense of His son’s life. That is why the United Nations spends so much funds to keep peace worldwide. Also, at local levels, so much funds are put into interfaith movements to bring people of various religions together.
Interfaith movement is very crucial to human existence because the scripture says in Romans 2:11, “For God shows no partiality.” God loves the world equally, and Jesus died for the whole world! If you are not at peace with people around you, do not expect a cordial relationship. Also, if you are not at peace with people around you, do not expect to be successful because you are not an island exiting alone. Besides, you do not know who your destiny helper is! So be very careful in your dealings with others. A spirit bond binds humanity together, and only peace can nurture the tie! (Ephesians 4:2-3) If you break the cord of peace, you will have issues in your dealings with others.
It is true that some are pretty knotty and won’t give in to peace easily. You have to continue to try your best possible to keep the peace. Then leave the rest to God. To keep the peace, you must forsake vengeance and take up humility. From this minute, please walk up to that person you have avoided for a long time and say Hi to them. If we all bridge the gap at our various levels, the world will have no gaps anymore! Then we would have overcome war.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I receive your word today, and I declare I am blessed. Lord, give me the strength to make peace among men. Father, I declare I am at peace with the world and everyone. Thank you, father. Amen.
FURTHER READING: Colossians 1:20-21, Matthew 5:25