October 29, 2019
October 31, 2019


30th OCTOBER 2019

“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Romans 5:3-5

Today, I remembered a song and a great hymn which I sang as a young child, which truly inspired me so much at the time. The song is titled; “Jesus loves me! This I know”. This song was written by Anna Bartlett Warner (1820-1915) in 1860. The chorus and tune were added by William Batchelder Bradbury in 1862. What a great hymn! The first stanza goes thus:

Jesus loves me! This I know,

For the Bible tells me so;

Little ones to Him belong;

They are weak, but He is strong.


Yes, Jesus loves me!

Yes, Jesus loves me!

Yes, Jesus loves me!

For the Bible tells me so!

The little ones referred to in the hymn are not just children. They include everyone who is weak in the face of adversity. This invariably includes you and me. It also includes not just Christians alone, but the whole world. Once when asked to summarize the essential truths of the Christian faith, the great Swiss theologian Karl Barth gave this simple answer: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Amazing!

Over the years, I discovered that the only thing that comforts me in times of agony, sickness, pains, disappointment, and heartbreak is the mere fact that; JESUS LOVES ME and would always provide a listening ear to my problems, and where the need arises, He would grant healing and a shoulder to lean on. If you are humble in working and walking with Christ, you would realize that this singular fact about the master is true for that is the nature of God His father.  We live in a world of change, where peace and joy quickly give way to sorrow and anguish. There is hardly any form of security in life as we are constantly battered by uncertainties, attacks of ignorance and human failings. All these notwithstanding, there is hope, and that hope is, BELIEVING THAT JESUS LOVES YOU. I know some will say at this point; “We have heard this before, and our condition has not changed”. The reason you may not witness a drastic change in your perceived adverse situation could be as a result of self – sabotage due to your lack of patience, and your inability to believe that God would heal you however complicated your ailment may seem to the ordinary mind. It is time to behold the reality of life, which is the fact that God loves you no matter the situation; God is full of mercy! First, take note that the devil has a subtle way of playing tricks on our consciousness which he does perfectly by making us extremely impatient. And when we are not patient, the Grace of God is lost on us. The facts are that, in the midst of any storm, there is a sure and absolute hope. Not a hope that is in question or doubt, but a hope that waits patiently for redemption and relief. The victory you seek is assured when you believe in God’s Love – and the promise of God is unfailing. The word of God is telling us today that those who put their faith in Jesus Christ, who accept God’s free offer of grace and love, wait patiently and expectantly for the Lord’s return and for His help and strength NOW, no matter how seemingly complicated their particular problem might be. When we are prayerfully patient with humility, we begin to experience the unfolding power of God’s love. Therefore, let us embrace every trial with PATIENT and HOPE for the visitation of God to our life.  The scripture tells us today that those who put their hope in God are NEVER put to shame.


Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I believe in your love for me. Therefore, I declare I am free from pains and troubles. Lord I wait patiently for the perfection of thy Grace in my life; I declare my hope is in you and I have everlasting life already. Thank you, Father. AMEN.

FURTHER READING:  Romans 8:37-39

Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi was born in Nigeria to Patrick Abuda Obeakemhe and Juliana Fatimatu Obeakemhe, both from Ogbona Town. With a master’s degree in law, she was called to the bar at the age of twenty-two, and she is currently the principle partner of the law firm Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi & Associates. She is also the founder of two philanthropic organizations: the Living Waters Mission and the Rose Croix Foundation. In addition to law, Lawrence-Dokpesi was drawn to spiritual pursuits at an early age, having begun studying philosophy, theology, chaplaincy, and spirit therapy by the age of eighteen. Inspired by her spiritual calling, she has produced ten intensively researched manuscripts on spiritual matters. Although Understanding the Spiritual was the last to be written, it is the first to be published. Lawrence-Dokpesi is a mother and a wife living in the city of Abuja, Nigeria.

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