"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 1:7)
After the resurrection comes the GOOD NEWS? What is the good news and how much of it do we believe? The good news is that as a result of the death of Jesus Christ and His consequent resurrection to life, the process of regeneration has just begun for those who believe in His death and resurrection. The Good News is that we are saved by Grace and Faith. We are now saved from the power of death created by the devil and our sinfulness. But you have to note that salvation is not a one off event. It’s a continuous exercise of living out the plans and purpose of God while holding onto Jesus. It is not unlikely that, like the disciples of Jesus on the road to Emmaus shortly after the crucifixion, some of us are yet to believe that Jesus has actually risen from the dead and is waiting for us to recognize His presence around us at all times. These two disciples on the way to Emmaus could not recognize Jesus among them, not because Jesus had changed, or that He willed that they do not see Him, but because their hearts and thoughts had become estranged and far removed from Jesus. The good news of His resurrection is that we can count on Jesus to come to our aid when all seems lost in life and we are left feeling sad and downcast.
Jesus cares about us. He knows our hearts and He sees through all our thoughts and anxieties. The word of God is telling us today that the Grace of God is abounding in our life. Jesus is always prepared to help us, to comfort and uplift us, just as He did with the two disciples. After His resurrection, Jesus continues to come to us and govern the whole Body of Christ. He carries on His work through His Word. His purpose is to show and teach us that the power of His resurrection and dominion will be exercised here on earth, and it will manifest itself in this life only through the Word, and through faith which holds fast to Christ, even though we have not seen Jesus Christ. The good news of His resurrection is that we can count on Jesus to come to our aid when all seems lost in life and we are left feeling sad and downcast. Jesus cares about us. He knows our hearts and He sees through all our thoughts and anxieties. Jesus is always prepared to help us, to comfort and uplift us, just as He did with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Beloved in Christ, from this day onwards, casts all your fears and perplexities on the Master of life – Jesus Christ. He is the Author and Finisher of your Faith.
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I declare this day that I am strengthened by your word and the testimony of the resurrection of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Lord, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I live henceforth, a life of testimony of your goodness and victory over death and sin. AMEN