April 7, 2020
April 9, 2020


8th APRIL 2020

“In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.” – John 1:4″

So far, the scripture tells us that Jesus is the ETERNAL WORD OF GOD made flesh; He is a savior and anointed King; He is the son of God; He is also the Word – God-in-Communication, God-Expressing-Himself; He is the Creator of all things. The origin of all life is the WORD of God – whether spiritual or physical life. This day, humanity tends to suffer so much affliction due to spiritual deafness and blindness. To hear and receive the teachings of Jesus Christ and to do as He commanded is to accept the WORD of God, together with His promises. When we thus receive the WORD of God, we are helping to sustain LIGHT and LIFE in the world; We are also empowering ourselves both spiritually, mentally and physically. Notwithstanding the darkness of affliction and strife in the world today, there is hope in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer and the cure for our affliction, spiritual deafness and blindness; Jesus is the one who can restore the light which is lost to our world. The Scripture says in John 5:21, “The Son gives life to whom he will.” In other words, Jesus is capable of doing for us physically and spiritually what he did for Lazarus when He raised him from the dead. (John 11:43). The LIFE given by Jesus manifests in two main ways: 1. His life becomes the LIGHT of knowledge, power, and spiritual sight to understand and to see things of the spirit. Hence Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). This means you have to be renewed inside out by the power of the Holy Spirit. The new birth transforms you into A SON OF GOD, truly born by the power of the Holy Spirit. 2. The Life of Christ is the light of all men! This is the life of God resident in us as human beings. Every human being has the life of Christ in him/her, but not everyone is alive to the reality of the power of Christ in us. Again, as many as are able to wake up and become aligned with the light and life of God, God gives them the power to become the SONS OF GOD.  Today’s scripture is revealing to us the different dimensions of the benefits of Jesus Christ to us. First, He gives us the light of knowledge through which we gain spiritual insight into the things of life. Secondly, He gives us a life of abundance.  In this time of uncertainty when humanity is greatly afflicted by COVID – 19 PANDEMICS, it is time to start a new life in Christ. Open to Christ in you like never before and receive the light and life of abundance which transcends our earthly life. All that you simply have to do is to connect with Christ in you for He is the Hope of glory; secondly, this is the time to become truly born again by completely changing your ways from prodigal children to heirs of the kingdom. Beloved, I charge you today to follow Jesus footsteps, obey His teachings and imitate His love and spirit of sacrifice. Your life will be transformed, and you will connect directly with the presence of God where anointing overflows and every yoke is broken.


Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I trust in your power to lead me out of the darkness of affliction and ignorance, and bring me to the realm of light – the LIGHT of your wisdom, healing and the LIGHT that gives me LIFE of abundance. Father, henceforth, my good desires shall take form and manifest, just like your word took form and manifested as Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father. AMEN.


Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi
Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi was born in Nigeria to Patrick Abuda Obeakemhe and Juliana Fatimatu Obeakemhe, both from Ogbona Town. With a master’s degree in law, she was called to the bar at the age of twenty-two, and she is currently the principle partner of the law firm Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi & Associates. She is also the founder of two philanthropic organizations: the Living Waters Mission and the Rose Croix Foundation. In addition to law, Lawrence-Dokpesi was drawn to spiritual pursuits at an early age, having begun studying philosophy, theology, chaplaincy, and spirit therapy by the age of eighteen. Inspired by her spiritual calling, she has produced ten intensively researched manuscripts on spiritual matters. Although Understanding the Spiritual was the last to be written, it is the first to be published. Lawrence-Dokpesi is a mother and a wife living in the city of Abuja, Nigeria.

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